Lab 5 - EE 421L
Steven Leung,
Pre-lab work
- Back-up all of your work from the lab and the course.
- Go through Tutorial 3 seen here.
lab involves designing a laying out 2 different size inverters, one
12u/.6u and the other 48u/2.4u for the PMOS. We will then look at the
differences in these two inverters to see which one performs
Below include the schematic views for the inverters.
12u/.6u inverter | ![](48u_24u_inverter.JPG)
24u/.6u inveter (m=4) | ![](inverter%20symbols.JPG)
Symbol view for inverters |
Below includes the layout of the 12u/.6u inverter along with the DRC and LVS
Below is the layout for the 24u/2.4u inverter along with the DRC and LVS
are a serier of simulations to show the performance of each inverter.
The pictures on the left are the 12u/.6u inverter and the pictures on
the right are the 24u/2.4u inverter
12u/.6u inverter | 24u/2.4u inveter |
Simulation schematic | ![](24u%20sim/schematic.PNG)
Simulation Schematic |
C=100f | ![](24u%20sim/100f.PNG)
C=100f |
C=1p | C=1p |
C=10p | ![](24u%20sim/10p.PNG)
C=10p |
C=100p | ![](24u%20sim/100p.PNG)
C=100p |
the above simulations, we can see that as the load capactiance
increases, the delay on the inverter is increased. This is due to the
fact that the voltage across a capacitor cannot change
When the input switches from 0 to 5 volts, the delay time is the time
it takes for the capacitor to charge nad discharge.
Below are the simulations using Ultrasim (cadences fast SPICE)
12u/.6u Inverter | 24u/2.4u inveter |
![](12u%20ultra%20sim/100f.PNG) C=100f | ![](24u%20ultra%20sim/100f.PNG) C=100f |
![](12u%20ultra%20sim/1p.PNG) C=1p | ![](24u%20ultra%20sim/1p.PNG) C=1p |
![](12u%20ultra%20sim/10p.PNG) C=10p | ![](24u%20ultra%20sim/10p.PNG) C=10p |
![](12u%20ultra%20sim/100p.PNG) C=100p | ![](24u%20ultra%20sim/100p.PNG) C=100p |
Lab 5 Design files
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